Patient Rights and Responsibilities
Patient Rights
It is the mission of Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana (RHI) to foster human dignity and preserve the rights of each patient.
Adequate, Appropriate, Compassionate Care
- You have the right to appropriate and compassionate care at all times.
- You have the right to be free from mental, physical, sexual and verbal abuse, neglect and exploitation.
- You will not be discriminated against on the basis of your religion, color, national origin, sex, age, handicap, marital status, sexual preference or source of payment.
Staff Identification
- You may expect that the people caring for you will introduce themselves and explain their roles in your care.
Information about Your Medical Condition and Healthcare
- You have the right to receive information about your condition in terms you can understand, as well as the proposed course of treatment, procedures, and prospects for recovery. If your physician withholds this information because it is not medically advisable, he or she must recover the reason in your medical record.
- You have the right to designate a representative to make health care decisions on your behalf.
- You or your designated representative have the right to participate in the consideration of ethical issues surrounding your care. We encourage you to contact your nurse, physician or case manager to assist you.
Pain management is part of medical treatment, both during your hospital stay and upon discharge. When you are in pain, you have the right to:
- Have your pain and medication history taken
- Have you pain questions answered freely
- Develop a pain plan with your caregivers
- Know what medication or treatment will be given
- Know the risks, benefits and side effects of treatment
- Know what alternative pain treatments may be available
- Be believed when you say you have pain
- Have your pain assessed on an individual basis and at regular intervals
- Have you pain assessed using an appropriate pain scale
- Ask for changes in treatment if pain persists
- Receive pain medication on a timely basis
- Seek a second opinion or request a pain care specialist
- Include your family in decision making, if desired
Refusal of Treatment
- You have the right to refuse treatment to the extent provided by law and to be informed of the medical consequences of that refusal. If you refuse care or treatment, you are responsible for the results of that decision.
- If the hospital or its staff decides that your refusal of treatment prevents you from receiving appropriate care according to ethical and professional standards, the relationship with you may be terminated upon reasonable notice.
Refuse to Take Part in Research or Experimental Procedures
- If experimental procedures are being considered as part of your care, these will be explained to you. You have the right to refuse to take part in any research or experimental projects and to withdraw from such projects in which you previously agreed to participate.
Freedom from Restraints
- You may not be restrained unless a physician has given written authorization for this, or it is deemed necessary in an emergency situation to protect you from injuring yourself or others.
Access to Your Medical Records
- Generally, you have the right to read your medical record while you are a patient at the hospital if a physician or designated healthcare professional is present.
- After discharge, you have the right to obtain (for a fee) copies of your completed medical record unless your physician does not think this is medically advisable for you. Information about access to your medical records may be obtained by contacting the hospital’s Health Information Services department.
Confidentiality of Records
- Communication and records about your care will be treated confidentially.
- You have the right to determine, in writing, who may receive copies of your medical record, except as required by law.
Privacy – Personal and Informational
- You are entitled to privacy in treatment and in caring for your personal needs. This includes the right to be interviewed and examined in surroundings designed to assure reasonable privacy. (With the semi-private rooms at Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana that includes the right to have the privacy curtain pulled to during treatment or discussion of your healthcare needs). You have the right to an environment that preserves your dignity and contributes to a positive self-image.
- You have the right to talk privately with anyone you wish (subject to hospital visiting regulations) unless your physician does not think this is medically advisable and has documented this reason in your medical record. You also have the right to refuse to see visitors.
Continuity of Care
- You will be instructed about how to continue your health care after you leave the hospital.
- If transfer to another health care facility is necessary, you will receive an explanation as to why the transfer is required. You will be given assistance in making arrangements for transfer.
Information about Your Hospital Bill
- You have the right to receive an explanation of your hospital bill except where prohibited by law.
- Whenever possible, you will be notified when you are no longer eligible for insurance.
- You may ask hospital staff to give you information about financial help for your hospital bill.
Other Rights
- You have the right to take part in religious and/or social activities while in the hospital unless your physician thinks these activities are not medically advisable.
Your Responsibilities as a Patient
Your health care is a cooperative effort among you, your physician, the hospital staff and your family. In addition to your rights, it is expected that you and your family will assume the following responsibilities to the best of your ability
You are Responsible for:
- Following the hospital’s rule and regulations as explained to your or described in printed material
- Providing a complete and accurate medical history when requested to do so.
- Telling the physician, nursing staff or therapy staff, if you do not understand your treatment or if you do not understand what you are expected to do
- Following the recommendations and advice given by your physician and treatment team about your treatment
- Paying your hospital bill or telling the hospital if you cannot pay the bill timely so that other arrangements can be made
- Being considerate of other patients and of hospital staff, volunteers, visitors and guests as well as hospital property
- Reporting unexpected changes in our condition to your physician
Your Care
We need your cooperation to further our goal of patient satisfaction. We strongly urge you to call RHI Administration at 329.2108 if you have any questions, suggestions, concerns or complaints about your care. If concerns arise after normal business hours or on the weekend, please contact your Clinical Charge Nurse or the House Coordinator.
If you believe that you have been mistreated, denied services or discriminated against in any aspect of services, you may file a grievance. RHI Administration is available to assist you with that process. A written response will be provided, upon request.
If you have a grievance, RHI will investigate it. If that investigation shows improper behavior by RHI personnel, we will take appropriate action with the personnel in question, in an effort to prevent the behavior in the future. We will report the results of our investigation to you if you want us to, subject to confidentiality laws and policies.
You should also be aware that you can file a complaint with one of the following regulatory agencies:
- Indiana State Department of Health by calling 1-800-246-8909
- Joint Commission 1-800-994-6610 or emailing complaint@jointcommission.org
If you desire more information, please contact RHI Administration at the number listed above.