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Frequently Asked Questions about RHI's Transplant Program

RHI offers a program dedicated solely to transplant and we are accredited through the Commission on the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities.

Our expert team works seamlessly with your transplant doctor and communicates with them frequently to update on your progress and goals. Some patients have follow-up appointments with their transplant doctors while at RHI and we will help arrange transportation to the appointment.

Recovery and healing from a transplant can be very frustrating. While you may see improvement in the first several months, healing can take many years. Your transplant team will discuss your goals and work with you to manage through expectations and potential outcomes.

We encourage family and caregivers to bring familiar items, including pictures of family and friends, familiar toiletries and clothing, non-skid walking shoes, and familiar bedding (when appropriate).

Our comprehensive program offers a variety of options to support families, friends and caregivers of our patients. We offer classes during the inpatient stay as well as when you leave the hospital.

While we encourage patients to get out of their room, please check with staff if it is appropriate to take the patient to other areas of the hospital. The patient may have specific needs that require staff to be present when outside of the room.

We encourage caregivers to attend therapies with the patients; however, there may be some sessions where caregivers may be asked to step out of sessions for various reasons. These decisions are made in the best interest of the patient.

In order to maintain safety of both patients and caregivers, all caregivers must be cleared by therapies before physically assisting with transfers or mobility tasks.

Please check with the nurse prior to bringing in outside food and drinks. Depending on the diet ordered, there may be some restrictions. If you have items that need to be refrigerated, please label them and your nurse will store in the unit patient refrigerator.

Nursing staff provides showers every other evening. In addition, patients will work on bathing and self-care skills with occupational therapy.

Cell phones and other electronic devices are not restricted within the facility, but please keep in mind that any loss or damage to a device is the responsibility of the owner. RHI provides free wi-fi access on site. We ask that cell phones not be taken to therapy. If you are on the cell phone when therapy or nursing is trying to work with you, we will ask you to hang up and return the phone call when the activity is completed.

Your ability to return to work, or do other activities, will depend on the severity of your injury and your individual situation. We encourage you to strive to return to activities that you were able to do prior to your injury and will help you set realistic, individualized goals.

The need for therapy after the hospital stay will depend on your individual circumstances. RHI offers several different resources to help support you after you leave the inpatient setting, including outpatient therapy available at multiple locations.

Necessary equipment will depend on your progress and will be recommended by your therapists at the end of your stay. Your care coordinator will work with you to coordinate delivery of any needed equipment.

Please call 317-329-2000 to make arrangements for touring the facility. Calling ahead is recommended so a tour guide will be ready for you.

If you are interested in being admitted to RHI, you should ask the discharge case manager or social worker at the hospital to notify RHI that you would like RHI to evaluate you for admission. A family member may also call the RHI admissions department to make the referral. An RHI Clinical Liaison will come evaluate you to see if you meet the RHI admission guidelines. RHI must also determine whether you meet the Medicare / insurance criteria for admission as well.

Payment varies case by case.

The care coordinators at the hospital where you are currently staying will be happy to make arrangements for you. In some cases, family may be able to transport you to RHI.

Visitors are not permitted to spend the night out of respect for privacy of the other patients. Accommodations can be made for caregivers and caregivers at nearby hotels at discounted rates.

Your dog may visit with the written permission of your physician, and upon the provision of proper documentation of current vaccinations. Please note that you will be issued a special tag for the dog’s collar. Your dog will not be allowed to visit without the special tag.

Yes, all patient rooms have phones for local calls and can receive calls. Long distance calls can be made using a calling card.

All RHI facilities are smoke free. Caregivers and visitors need to leave RHI property if they wish to smoke. Patients are not allowed to use tobacco products and cannot leave the property. Patients may speak with their physician to obtain medication to address this issue while they complete their rehabilitation at RHI.

Rooms are private at RHI.

Yes, wifi access is available to our patients and their caregivers.

Caregivers are responsible for laundry, and laundry facilities are available on each unit for caregivers to use. Tide detergent is available free of charge. Caregivers may also take clothing home to be laundered.  

A pending discharge date will be established by your treatment team based on your rehabilitation goals, progress toward the goals, and medical stability. Your RHI care coordinator will help coordinate transportation with you. Discharge is usually around 10:00am.

Length of stay varies and is dependent on the patient’s diagnosis and progress. Your RHI team will be able to better estimate your length of stay once initial evaluations are completed. Assessments are individual and are not pre-determined.

A discharge day target will be determined by a weekly conference including your physician, discharge planner, charge nurse and therapists.