Learn About Brain Injury
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
A traumatic brain injury is defined as an alteration in brain function, or other evidence of brain pathology, caused by an external force. Typical Causes of TBI are:
- Falls
- Assault
- Motor Vehicle Accident
- Struck by/Against an Object
- Sports Injury
Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)
An acquired brain injury is an injury to the brain which is not hereditary, congenital, degenerative, or induced by birth trauma. An acquired brain injury is an injury to the brain that has occurred after birth. Typical Causes of ABI are:
- Stroke
- Substance Abuse
- Near Drowning
- Infectious Disease
- Seizure Disorders
- Tumor
- Electric Shock
- Toxic Exposure
- Lightning Strike
- Oxygen Deprivation (Hypoxia/Anoxia)
Symptoms of Brain Injury
- Physical Impairments - speech, vision, hearing, headaches, motor coordination, walking, swallowing, spasticity of muscles, paresis or paralysis, seizure disorders, difficulty completing simple daily tasks, balance, and fatigue.
- Cognitive Impairments - short term memory deficits, impaired concentration, slowness of thinking, limited attention span, impairments of perception, communication skills, planning, writing, reading, and judgment.
- Emotional Impairments - mood swings, self-centeredness, anxiety, depression, lowered self-esteem, sexual dysfunction, restlessness, lack of motivation, and difficulty controlling emotions.
Brain Injury Fact Sheets (PDFs)
View/download an individual fact sheet below or download a complete set of fact sheets here.
Alcohol and Brain Injury
Learn about alcohol and difficulty with brain injury
Attention-Concentration and Brain Injury
How does a brain injury affect attention and concentration?
Awareness and Brain Injury
Understand the potential for awareness challenges after a brain injury
Balance and Brain Injury
Understand struggles with balance after brain injury
Depression and Brain Injury
Understand symptoms of depression
Fatigue and Brain Injury
Why do people struggle with fatigue after a brain injury?
Headaches and Brain Injury
Headaches are one of the most common symptoms after a brain injury
Impulsivity and Brain Injury
Do you have trouble with acting or speaking before you think after a brain injury?
Irritability and Brain Injury
Learn about irritability after brain injury
Initiation and Planning and Brain Injury
Understanding why it is hard to start or complete tasks after a brain injury
Language and Brain Injury
The difficulty of understanding or putting words into thought after a brain injury
Managing Emotions and Brain Injury
Why is it hard to control emotions after a brain injury?
Memory and Brain Injury
Memory problems are one of the most common complaints after a brain injury
Organizations of Behavior and Brain Injury
Why is it hard to organize thoughts and behaviors after a brain injury?
Problem-Solving/Decision Making and Brain Injury
Decision making and brain injuries
PTSD and Brain Injury
What are the symptoms of PTSD and how is it affected by a brain injury
Seizures and Brain Injury
Am I more susceptible to seizures after a brain injury?
Sensory Hypersensitivity and Brain Injury
Why does my loved one seem more sensitive to light, noise, or other sensations after their brain injury?
Sexuality and Brain Injury
The impact of brain injuries on sexual health
Sleep and Brain Injury
People with brain injuries often suffer sleep disturbances
Social Communication and Brain Injury
Why is it hard to express thoughts or feelings in public?
Stress and Brain Injury
Do you have trouble managing your stress since your brain injury?
Substance Abuse and Brain Injury
The risk of substance abuse after a brain injury
Vision and Brain Injury
How does a brain injury impact my vision?
Working Memory Skills and Brain Injury
How a brain injury can affect working memory
Fact Sheets from the Brain Injury Association of Indiana
Brain Injury Facts: About Brain Injury
A high-level overview of acquired brain injury, both traumatic and non-traumatic, including typical causes, symptoms, and tips to aid recovery.
Brain Injury Facts: Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
An overview of mild traumatic brain injury, including its definition, symptoms, and potential complications.