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Frequently Asked Questions

If you are interested in being admitted to RHI, you should ask the discharge case manager or social worker at the hospital to notify RHI that you would like RHI to evaluate you for admission. A family member may also call the RHI admissions department to make the referral. A RHI Clinical Liaison will come evaluate you to see if you meet the RHI admission guidelines. RHI must also determine whether you meet the medicare / insurance criteria for admission as well.

If you are interested in being admitted to RHI, you should ask the discharge case manager or social worker at the hospital to notify RHI that you would like RHI to evaluate you for admission. A family member may also call the RHI admissions department to make the referral. An RHI Clinical Liaison will come evaluate you to see if you meet the RHI admission guidelines. RHI must also determine whether you meet the Medicare / insurance criteria for admission as well.

Please call 317-329-2000 to make arrangements for touring the facility. Calling ahead is recommended so a tour guide will be ready for you.

6:00AM - 7:30AM
Wake up and get dressed with assistance. At least one morning a week there will be a shower with Occupational Therapy.
7:30AM - 8:30AM
Breakfast and socialize in the program common area
(not in patient rooms)
8:30AM - 12:00 PM
Morning therapy sessions*
12:00PM - 1:00PM
Lunch and socialize in the program common area
1:00PM - 4:30PM
Afternoon therapy sessions*
4:30PM - 6:00PM
Dinner and socialize in the program common area
6:00PM - 9:00PM
Relax, socialize and bathe (if bathing did not occur earlier in the day)
9:00PM - 10:00PM
Get ready for bed
*Patients receive a minimum of three hours of individual one to one therapy, 5 days per week

A discharge day target will be determined by a weekly conference including your physician, care coordinator, charge nurse and therapists.

When not in therapy, patients typically rest, visit with friends and family, or find some form of recreation.

If family or friends cannot find you in your room, the unit staff can inform them whether you are in therapy and where they can find you.

Yes! Families are strongly encouraged to attend therapy sessions to observe and ask questions, especially those who will be the primary caregiver after discharge.

If your physician/specialist is not currently granted staff privileges at RHI, they are able to apply for temporary privileges.

Inpatient therapy begins at 8:30 a.m.

Patients have 3-5 hours of therapy a day during the week. Weekend therapy is reduced to allow you to rest and visit with family and friends.

Your first day at RHI will be light to allow you to get settled.
- Nurse will greet you when you arrive
- Later on, you will have a head-to-toe assessment by your nurse and a visit with your physician

During your second day, you will have the opportunity to:
- Meet your care coordinator
- Comprehensive evaluations by the treatment team
- Meet your therapists who will each assess your abilities and set goals
- Meet with a clinical dietitian
- Meet with a wound care specialist (if needed)

Your therapist team will include:
- An occupational therapist
- A physical therapist
- A speech therapist (if needed)
- A therapeutic recreation specialist (if needed)

The clinic provides specialized outpatient services for patients following strokes, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and general physiatry needs.

Yes, referrals are very important for the continuity of care for our patients. Your primary care physician may fax a referral to our office at 317-329-2360.

The Clinic is open Monday-Thursday from 8:00AM to 4:00PM and on Friday from 8:00AM-3:00PM.

The Clinic staff will let you know when the first appointment is scheduled whether you will be receiving any additional paperwork to complete prior to your appointment.

RHI offers traditional outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy for patients recovering from a wide range of neurologic and orthopedic diagnoses. Additionally, RHI offers an array of specialized outpatient programs including Vestibular Rehab, Return to Driving, Vision Rehab, and Wheelchair Seating and Positioning.

Rooms are private at RHI.

Patients are encouraged to bring clothing and toiletry items to RHI. Please provide patients with 3-5 days' worth of comfortable clothing, including:
- Pants with elastic waistbands (no blue jeans)
- T-shirts
- Pajamas
- Undergarments
- Sweaters or jackets
- Pajamas
- Socks
- Shoes with no-skid soles (flat, loose fitting, with Velcro or shoestrings)
- Glasses (if needed)
- Hearing aids (if needed)

In addition, please provide the following toiletry items:
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Comb or hairbrush
- Shampoo and conditioner
- Make-up
- Deodorant
- Razor and shaving cream
- Denture cleaner (if needed)

Yes, wifi access is available to our patients and their caregivers.

Caregivers are responsible for laundry, and laundry facilities are available on each unit for caregivers to use. Tide detergent is available free of charge. Caregivers may also take clothing home to be laundered.  

Visitors are not permitted to spend the night out of respect for privacy of the other patients. Accommodations can be made for caregivers and caregivers at nearby hotels at discounted rates.

The reception desk has a list of all of the hotels in the area, along with a list of many hotels that offer discounts to our patients’ friends and caregivers.

All RHI facilities are smoke free. Caregivers and visitors need to leave RHI property if they wish to smoke. Patients are not allowed to use tobacco products and cannot leave the property. Patients may speak with their physician to obtain medication to address this issue while they complete their rehabilitation at RHI.

Yes, all patient rooms have phones for local calls and can receive calls. Long distance calls can be made using a calling card.

Monday through Friday - 7:30am to 8:30pm

Saturday and Sunday - 8:30am to 8:30pm

Currently, there is no limit to the amount of visitors that a patient may have. We do ask that patients and visitors respect others and do not overcrowd rooms or lobbies. 

Yes! We have recently lifted our COVID-19 visitor restrictions.

Your dog may visit with the written permission of your physician, and upon the provision of proper documentation of current vaccinations. Please note that you will be issued a special tag for the dog’s collar. Your dog will not be allowed to visit without the special tag.

Weather permitting and with approval of their nursing unit, patients are encouraged to go outside with assistance.

Your friends and family are encouraged to join you in the dining room for meals.

In some cases, patients are allowed to dine out with caregivers if it is a therapeutic activity. Insurance will need to approve this activity if their caregivers have been checked off and approved by RHI.

Your friends and family may bring you food in to RHI after confirming any dietary restrictions or requirements with your nurse. It is very important that you always confirm with your nurse if food is being brought in to help prevent any complications or injury.

Cell phones are permitted but we ask that that users be courteous and respectful to those around you. On some of our units we may restrict cell phone usage due to the varying needs of our patient populations. Cell phones are not allowed to be used during therapy unless specifically requested by your therapist to be used as a therapeutic device.

Yes, all patient rooms have phones for local calls and can receive calls. Long distance calls can be made using a calling card.

Quiet time begins at 9 P.M. Phone calls should be limited after this time to allow time for adequate sleep and rejuvenation. Patients should be considerate of their roommates and neighbors.

Individuals are permitted to use their personal laptops and tablets as long as it does not interfere with therapy. Some specific therapy sessions may allow access to RHI computers on an individual basis.

The care coordinators at the hospital where you are currently staying will be happy to make arrangements for you. In some cases, family may be able to transport you to RHI.

Payment varies case by case.

A pending discharge date will be established by your treatment team based on your rehabilitation goals, progress toward the goals, and medical stability. Your RHI care coordinator will help coordinate transportation with you. Discharge is usually around 10:00am.

Contact "Member Services" at the number on your insurance card to assist in identifying your benefits.

Yes, RHI accepts Medicare patients.

Eligibility Requirements – Financial assistance eligibility requirements are based on household income and number of family members. Generally, patients with household income equal to or less than 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) receive free care, and patients with household income between 200% and 400% FPG receive discounted care based on a sliding scale. RHI also provides a discount to medically indigent patients. All third party resources and non-hospital financial aid programs must be exhausted before financial assistance can be granted. No person eligible for financial assistance under the FAP will be charged more for emergency or other medically necessary care than amounts generally billed to individuals who have insurance covering such care.

Patients may apply for financial assistance by completing a FAP application form and submitting it to the Patient Financial Services (PFS) department. Applications can be found via the following methods:

- Request by writing RHI at 4141 Shore Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46254 (Attn: PFS)
- Visit the information desks at any of the RHI locations
- Request by telephone by calling PFS at 1 (317) 329-2325
- Ask your care coordinator
- Download an application here

Yes, we do have a self-pay option.

For questions regarding your patient bill please contact our Patient Financial Services (PFS) department at 317-329-2325. The hours for our PFS department are Monday through Friday 8 am to 5 pm ET.

To help you plan for a smooth transition to RHI, we ask that you begin obtaining the following information prior to admission:
A copy of your major medical health insurance card with:
- Insurance company contact information
- The insured person's name
- ID and group numbers
- Employer's name and phone number
- A copy of your Medicare or Medicaid card (if applicable)
- Ability to confirm Social Security Number and date of birth

Please note that additional information will be requested for specialized circumstances.

Necessary equipment will depend on your progress and will be recommended by your therapists at the end of your stay. Your care coordinator will work with you to coordinate delivery of any needed equipment.

The care coordinators are the best resource for assisting you with these.

A pending discharge date will be established by your treatment team based on your rehabilitation goals, progress toward the goals, and medical stability. Your RHI care coordinator will help coordinate transportation with you. Discharge is usually around at 10:00am

Any individual with a physical disability can participate with RHI Sports.

RHI Sports does have competitive teams to go along with the recreational activities provided.

RHI Sports Program has an email distribution list where potential participants are notified of upcoming events. RHISP also has a monthly e-newsletter that includes updates on recent events and news on upcoming events. Contact RHI Sports to be included on those lists.

Volunteers are needed from time to time to help RHI Sports with putting on tournaments and fundraising events.

Athletes must have a form completed and signed by their doctor/physician prior to participating with RHISP teams and some recreational clinics.  Please contact RHI Sports for this form.

To request a copy of your medical records, please fill out an Authorization to Release Health Information form. Please make sure to complete all sections of the form and include your signature and the date. You will need to specifically identify what records you want (please do not write, "send all medical records"). If you need help filling out the form, please refer to this example or call the HIM Office during office hours at (317) 329-2221.

Please be aware that submitting an incomplete form may cause delays in processing your request.

Please note: Because we are a small hospital, some medical record requests will be processed by a vendor, CIOX Health. You may receive communication from CIOX Health or the HIM Department may provide you with the phone number to call CIOX Health to check the status of your release.

Patients have the right to get a copy of their medical record at any point. However, because records are not complete until after the patient discharges, we encourage patients to wait to get a copy of their records so the information they receive is complete. This will minimize possible costs to patients associated with multiple medical record requests. Prior to requesting records for a patient that has not yet discharged, the patient/patient's family are encouraged to contact the HIM Department so can help determine the best option for the patient's needs.

This will depend on the information you request on the Authorization to Release Health Information form. Medical records can include a great deal of information, so requests that ask for the entire medical record can result in your request including hundreds of pages. In most circumstances, the entire medical record is not needed. Some common types of medical records includes:

Discharge Summary - summarizes the patient's stay at the hospital and documents the patients condition and medications at discharge.

History and Physical - documents the patient's condition at admission and brief history of the illness.

Plan of Care - documents the physician's plan for the patient's care while at the hospital.

Progress Notes - documents a regular account of the patient's care and condition at the hospital.

Consultation Notes - documents the care/services performed by specialty healthcare providers such as Psychologists, Nephrologists, Cardiologists, etc.

Lab Reports - tests that provide the physician/healthcare providers information about your health.

Radiology Records - documents the results of x-rays, CT scans, and other imaging technologies.

Medication Records - documents the medications the patients received.

Therapy Evaluations - documents the patient's condition at the start of therapy.

Therapy Discharge Summary - documents the patient's condition at the end of therapy.

You may be charged a reasonable, cost-based charge for personal copies of medical records along with the cost of materials. There is no charge if your records are being sent directly to another health care provider.

Please click this link to find out more about the Indiana Law (760 IAC 1-71) related to what healthcare providers can charge for copies of the medical record: 

•  Adult patients may ask for copies of their own medical records.

•  Parent(s) or legal guardian(s) may ask for copies of their minor child's medical records.

•  A person with a legal power of attorney may ask for copies of the medical records of someone named in the power of attorney (for example, wife, husband or partner, a disabled adult).

•  The legal next of kin may ask for copies of a deceased patient's medical records.

Please see the FAQ - "How do I obtain medical record copies for someone other than myself?"

To find more information on who can request your medical records, please click this link to the Indiana Code Title 16, Health § 16-39-1-3 Sec. 3: chapter-3.pdf (

By law, healthcare providers have up to 30 days to respond to medical record requests. We will make every effort to respond to your request as quickly as possible. Please be aware that incomplete and/or unsigned Authorization to Release Health Information forms can cause delays and extend the time it takes to get the records.

To find more information about how long a healthcare provider has to release your records, please click this link to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website:  Get it. Check it. Use it. |

Please call the HIM Department at (317) 329-2221 during office hours to get an update on the status of your medical record request. You may also send your status update request to us via email at

We can send copies of your medical record to your doctor/healthcare provider without you having to sign the Authorization to Release Health Information form. Please ask your doctor/healthcare provider to send a fax with official letterhead to the HIM Department at (317) 329-2531 with the following information:

•  Your name and date of birth

•  What records they would like to receive 

•  When they need the records

•  The name of the person who is requesting the records

•  The healthcare provider's fax number or mailing address AND their phone number 

Requesting patient medical records this way is a common practice in the healthcare industry so your doctor/healthcare provider should be familiar with this process.

In most instances, attorneys and other requestors such as Disability Determination Services will ask you to you sign their company’s medical record request form.  All other information such as what records they need should be filled out on the form for you.  The medical record request form should then be sent to RHI via:

By fax:     (317) 329-2531

By mail:   The Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana
               Attn:  HIM Department 
               4141 Shore Drive 
               Indianapolis, IN 46254

Please Note:  Because we are a small hospital, some medical record requests will be processed by a vendor, CIOX Health.  The third party requestor may receive communication from CIOX Health or the HIM Department may provide them with the phone number to call CIOX Health to check the status of the request.

Minors (patients under 18 of age):
The parent or legal representative must complete, sign and date the Authorization to Release Health Information form, unless the minor is emancipated. A legal guardian may be asked to provide proof of guardianship such as court documentation, a medical Power of Attorney, or documentation that the patient has named the individual as his/her healthcare representative.

Patients 18 and older:
Under most circumstances, patients over 18 must sign for themselves. If the patient has a legal guardian or representative, the legal guardian must provide proof of authority in order to complete the Authorization to Release Health Information form on behalf of the patient.

Deceased Patients:
To obtain a copy of a deceased patient’s record, the personal representative of the patient’s estate must complete, date and sign an Authorization to Release Health Information form and provide a copy of the estate information name him/her as the personal representative and a copy of the patient’s death certificate.  If the patient does not have an estate personal representative, the deceased patient’s spouse may request records by filling out the Authorization to Release Health Information form and providing a copy of the patient’s death certificate.  To find out more about who can request the records of deceased patients, click the following link for IC 16-39-3:  chapter-3.pdf (

Please Note: Because we are a small hospital, some medical record requests will be processed by a vendor, CIOX Health. You may receive communication from CIOX Health or the HIM Department may provide you with the phone number to call CIOX Health to check the status of your release.


No. Our medical records request process ensures your medical records are safely and confidentially maintained, while providing you ready access when you need them.

If you received radiology services while at RHI, a copy of radiology interpretation report will be included with your records. If you need the actual radiology images, we can provide this information but additional fees may be incurred for materials. 

We can send copies of a patient's medical records to another healthcare provider without the patient signing an Authorization to Release Health Information form. Please send a fax on official letterhead to the HIM Department at (317) 329 2531 with the following information:

•   The patient's name and date of birth
•   If you need specific records, what you would like to receive 
•   When you need the records 
•   The name of the person who is requesting the records 
•   The healthcare provider's fax number or mailing address

Please do not state that you want the entire medical record if you want the records faxed you and/or if you need the records right away. Medical records can be hundreds of pages long and most faxes are unable to process such a large number of documents. Also, RHI does not have the ability to process large medical record requests so they are forwarded to our release of information vendor, CIOX Health, to process and can take several weeks to complete.

Unless specific records are requested, we will include the following documents as part of the standard continuum of care packet:

•   History and Physical 
•   Plan of Care
•   Therapy Evaluations (PT, OT, SLP)
•   Therapy Discharge Summaries (PT, OT, SLP)
•   Discharge Summary 

Healthcare providers requesting patient records for continuum of care will not be charged.

We will try to complete requests from healthcare providers within 1-2 days or as timely as possible. In order to ensure you receive the records when you need them, please submit your request as far in advance as possible.

Please call the HIM Department at (317) 329-2221 during office hours to get an update on the status of your medical record request. You may also send your status update requests to us via email at

In most instances we do not relay medical information over the phone. However, if there are special circumstances involved, please call the HIM department at (317) 329-2221 during normal office hours.

In most instances attorneys and other third party requestors, such as Disability Determination Services, have their own medical record request form. If not, they can use RHI's Authorization to Release Health Information form and ask that the patient name them as a "Receiving Party". All medical record request forms should then be sent to the HIM Department via:

By fax:         317-329-2531

By mail:       The Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana
                   Attn:  HIM Department
                   4141 Shore Drive
                   Indianapolis, IN 46254

By email:

Please Note:  Because we are a small hospital, some medical record requests will be processed by a vendor, CIOX Health. The third party requestor may receive communication from CIOX Health or the HIM Department may provide them with the phone number to call CIOX Health to check the status of the request,

This will depend on the information you request on the medical record request or Authorization to Release Health Information form.  Medical records can include a great deal of information so requests that ask for the entire medical record can result in your request including hundreds of pages and taking a long time to complete.  In most circumstances, the entire medical record is not needed.  Some common types of medical records includes:

Discharge Summary - Summarizes the patient's stay at the hospital and documents the patient's condition and medications at discharge.

History and Physical - documents the patient's condition at admission and brief history of the illness.

Plan of Care - documents the physician's plan for the patient's care while at the hospital.

Progress Notes - documents a regular account of the patient's care and condition at the hospital.

Consultation Notes - documents the care/services performed by specialty healthcare providers such as Psychologists, Nephrologists, Cardiologists, etc.

Lab Reports -  tests that provide the physician/healthcare providers information about your health.

Radiology Records - documents the results of x-rays, CT scans, and other imaging technologies.

Medication Records - documents the medications the patient received.

Therapy Evaluations - documents the patient's condition at the start of therapy.

Therapy Discharge Summary - documents the patient's condition at the end of therapy.

You will be charged a reasonable, cost-based charge for copies medical records along with the cost of materials. Please click this link to find out more about the Indiana law (760 IAC 1-71) related to what healthcare providers can charge for copies of the medical record: 

•   Adult patients may ask for copies of their own medical records.

•   Parent(s) or legal guardian(s) may ask for copies of their minor child's medical records.

•   A person with a legal power of attorney may ask for copies of the medical records of someone named in the power of attorney (for example, wife, husband or partner, disabled adult). The power of attorney documentation must be included in the medical records request.

•   The legal next of kin may ask for copies of a deceased patient's medical records. 

To find more information on who can request medical records, please click the link to Indiana Code Title 16. Health § 16-39-1-3 Sec. 3: chapter-3.pdf (

By law, healthcare providers have up to 30 days to respond to medical record requests.  We will make every effort to respond to your request as quickly as possible. Please be aware that incomplete and/or unsigned Authorization to Release Health Information forms can cause delays and extend the time it takes to get the records! 

To find more information about how long a healthcare provider has to release records, please click the link to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website: Get it. Check it. Use it. |

Please call the HIM Department at 317-329-2221 during office hours to get an update on the status of your medical record request. You may also send your status update request to us via email at

If you know the patient has a legal guardian or Power of Attorney, please make sure to include this documentation along with the medical record request form. If legal guardian or Power of Attorney documentation is not included, your request may be delayed and/or denied.

If the patient received radiology services while at RHI, a copy of the radiology interpretation report will be included with the records. If you need the actual radiology images, we can provide this information but additional fees may be incurred for materials and additional time needed to obtain the information. 

Don't see an answer to your question? Just give us a call! 1 (317) 329-2000