What to Bring
Your Pre-Admission Checklist
As you prepare to become an inpatient at Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana (RHI), it's helpful to use the following checklist to make sure you bring the needed documentation and personal items. This will make your transition go smoothly.
- A copy of your major medical health insurance card (need insurance company contact information; the insured person's name, ID and group numbers; and employer's name and phone number); or
- A copy of your Medicare or Medicaid card
- Confirm Social Security number and date of birth
If the injury is a result of an auto accident:
- A copy of auto insurance card, policy number, insurance agent's name and phone number, and claim information
- If you are unable to obtain auto insurance card and claim information, provide a copy of the accident report
- If you are unable to obtain the report, please provide the exact location (street intersection, city, state, county), date of accident, policy jurisdiction and auto insurance med-pay letter
If the injury is a result of an accident on private or public property:
- Location of property
- Address
- Phone number and homeowner's policy information
- Name of the responsible party
If an accident occurred on a retail property:
- Location
- Address
- Property manager's phone numberĀ
- Your attorney's name and contact information

Personal Items
- 3-5 days worth of comfortable clothing that is easy to put on and take off, such as:
- Sweatpants/pull-on trousers with elastic waistbands/shorts (blue jeans are not recommended)
- T-shirts
- Sweatshirts
- Underwear
- Pajamas
- Socks
- Tennis shoes/shoes with non-skid soles (shoes should be flat, loose-fitting, and have Velcro or shoe strings)
- Light jacket or sweater
- Toiletries
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Comb/hairbrush
- Shampoo/conditioner
- Make-up
- Deodorant
- Razor and shaving cream
- Denture cleaner (if needed)
- A special soap to prevent infection will be provided by RHI
- Personal Items
- Glasses (if needed)
- Hearing aids (if needed)
- List of contact phone numbers
Because we cannot be responsible for lost or stolen items, please do not bring valuable items with you.
Note that we have a washer and dryer, which your family may use to launder your clothes. Laundry soap is provided. As a part of your therapy, you may be encouraged to do your own laundry.
Notes on Cell Phones
Cell phones are allowed on the acute unit. On the brain injury unit, cell phones are allowed only on a case-by-case basis. Cell phones are not to be taken to therapy. If you are on the phone when therapy or nursing staff are trying to work with you, we will ask you to hang up and return the phone call when your medications, treatments, and therapies have been completed.