Billing & Financial Assistance
Here to Make Things Easier for You
Hospital and insurance billing can be confusing for patients and their families. Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana (RHI) wants to make sure that you have all the information you need when it comes to understanding your bill. Although we attempt to verify eligibility and benefits, the only way to truly determine your individual coverage is by contacting your insurance carrier. You can find a contact phone number for your insurance carrier by checking the back of your insurance card.
Billing Inquiries
For questions regarding your patient bill, please contact our Patient Financial Services department:
Patient Financial Services
Phone: (317) 329-2325
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm ET
Financial Assistance
Plain Language Summary of Financial Assistance Policy
Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana (RHI) is committed to the healthcare needs of its patients regardless of the patient's ability to pay. This is summary of our Financial Assistance Policy (FAP). For a downloadable version of this summary click here, or click here to read this summary in Español).
- Eligibility Requirements - Financial assistance eligibility requirements are based on household income and number of family members. Generally, patients with household income equal to or less than 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) receive free care, and patients with household income between 200% and 400% FPG receive discounted care based on a sliding scale. RHI also provides a discount to medically indigent patients. All third-party resources and non-hospital financial aid programs must be exhausted before financial assistance can be granted. No person eligible for financial assistance under the FAP will be charged more for emergency or other medically necessary care than amounts generally billed to individuals who have insurance covering such care.
- How to Apply for Assistance - Patients may apply for financial assistance by completing a Financial Assistance application and submitting it to the Patient Financial Services department at
Attention PFS Department
Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana
4141 Shore Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46254
- Where to Obtain Information - To obtain the FAP, the application, or assistance in applying:
- Download the Financial Assistance Policy and Application by clicking the links below
- Contact us in writing at Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana
4141 Shore Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46254 (Attn: PFS) - Contact us via telephone at (317) 329-2325
- Visit the information desk at the following RHI locations:
- Eagle Highlands
4141 Shore Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46254 - Northwest Brain Injury
9531 Valparaiso Court
Indianapolis, IN 46268
- Eagle Highlands
- Notify your care coordinator
- Link to Policy (FAP)
- Link to Billing and Collections Policy
- Link to Application
- Link to Federal Poverty Guidelines
- Link to Provider Listing
- Link to Amount Generally Billed Calculation
Understanding Your Bill
When receiving your billing statements, it is possible to receive various types of bills. Depending on the services you receive, you could receive a bill from RHI and also from any physician seen while at RHI. Hospital and physician bills are separate.
*An example of a hospital bill is provided below. To make a payment on your Hospital bill, click the billing example below*
Insurance Coverage
Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana (RHI) accepts many major health plans including traditional insurance plans, managed care plans, and Medicare and Medicaid. Please contact your insurance provider and/or plan administrator with individual coverage questions. Your insurance card will have a contact phone number on the back. For a list of the most commonly accepted insurances, click here.
Price Transparency
RHI works with you to assist in pricing estimates. You are welcome to call our PFS department at (317) 329-2325 and speak with one of our representatives who can assist you in obtaining pricing. You may also view any of the three files below to obtain information on estimating pricing for services we provide.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requires hospital charges to be posted. Below you will find a link to a list of our services which details out pricing, Amounts Generally Billed (AGB), and information that will help in estimating the charge for a potential service based on insurance.
2024 RHI Transparency Flat File>
You will also find a list of 300+ shoppable services we offer. Please see link below.
2024 RHI Transparency-Shoppable_Services >
You may also find helpful a list of our inpatient services by diagnostic category with pricing estimates. Please see the link below.
2024 RHI Transparency-At_A_Glance >
Please contact our PFS Department at (317) 329-2325 if you have any questions or need assistance in navigating through this published information.
No Surprises Billing Act
When you get emergency care or are treated by an out-of-network provider at an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center, you are protected from balance billing. In these cases, you shouldn’t be charged more than your plan’s copayments, coinsurance and/or deductible. To learn more about how you are protected from surprise billing, click the link below.