T. George Hornby, PT, PhD, FAPTA Awarded Catherine Worthingham Fellow of the American Physical Therapy Association

Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana (RHI) is proud to share that T. George Hornby, PT, PhD, FAPTA has been honored with The Catherine Worthingham Fellow of the American Physical Therapy Association. This designation is the association's highest membership category.
The American Physical Therapy Association stats that, "this honor is eligible to APTA physical therapist members or life member physical therapists who have demonstrated unwavering efforts to advance the physical therapy profession for more than 15 years, prior to the time of nomination."
The membership category is named after Catherine Worthingham, PT, PhD, FAPTA an agent of change who pushed others to make an impact in physical therapy everyday. Earning the designation honors her and pushes physical therapists to mirror her impact in the advancement of the profession.
T George Hornby, PT, PhD, FAPTA is currently the Director of the Locomotor Recovery Laboratory at RHI after joining the staff in 2016. The lab helps to develop and test strategies that optimize delivery of rehabilitation interventions to maximize locomotor function. He is also Director of Research for the Academy of Neurological Physical Therapy, and has authored numerous manuscripts in neurophysiology and physical rehabilitation.
RHI is extremely excited for Dr. Hornby and can understand the APTA's decision for this designation. His work at RHI is cutting-edge and justifies his excellence in forwarding physical therapy profession.