Brain Injury Association of America to Honor Dr. Samantha L. Backhaus with Clinical Service Award

The Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) has announced that Sougandhi (Samantha) L. Backhaus, Ph.D., has been named the recipient of the 2019 Sheldon Berrol, M.D., Clinical Service Award.
The Sheldon Berrol, M.D., Clinical Service Award is presented each year to an individual who, through a long service career, has made outstanding contributions to improving the quality of care, professional training, and education in the field of brain injury.
Sougandhi “Samantha” L. Backhaus is a Clinical Neuropsychologist who is currently the associate director of the Outpatient Brain Injury Neuropsychology Services at the Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana (RHI) Northwest Brain Injury Center. Her roles include providing clinical services to persons with brain injury and their family, as well as developing new programs to enhance patient outcomes. Specifically, she conducts neuropsychological examinations, leads the outpatient brain injury treatment team in facilitating rehabilitation care and treatment planning, and provides individual, couples, and group therapies.
Dr. Backhaus has developed evidenced-based treatments to help improve the long-term functioning of individuals with brain injuries and family members. Amongst these programs, she co-developed a 16-week, evidenced-based coping skills group intervention to improve self-efficacy, neurobehavioral, and psychological functions after brain injury. She also co-developed a couples program to help improve satisfaction, quality, and marital adjustment after brain injury.
Additionally, Dr. Backhaus works with an interdisciplinary treatment team in developing new programs utilizing evidence-based research models, including a Cognitive and Life Skills Training Intervention based on evidenced-based treatment models recommended by the American Congress of Rehabilitation (ACRM), as well as a Post-Traumatic Confusion Treatment program called ASE – Assessment, Support, and Education for persons in PTC).
The above article is an excerpt from the Brain Injury Association of America article published August 9, 2018 titled "BIAA Award Winners Recognized for Contributions to Research and Clinical Care."